Make Paths Smooth Using Path Simplification

My A-star path finding implementation gives a list of points for my RTS game agent to follow. However, the a-star algorithm i implemented is on the grid-based graph. the calculated path looks like stairs when player is moving diagonally. I want to make an algorithm that takes a path (list of Vector3 points) in input & smoothens them based on a given weight. it must be able to create smooth curves instead of jagged paths. it is allowed to make the points itself or to dissolve the points, all of these depending on the weight.

Path Simplification Algorithm

If you want to eliminate the “stairy” or “zigzag” pattern and focus on straight lines along the general direction of movement, a path simplification algorithm like the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm (RDP) is a better fit. This algorithm reduces a polyline (sequence of points) to a simplified version by keeping only the critical points that define the overall shape while discarding intermediate points causing the zigzag pattern.

Ramer-Douglas-Peucker Algorithm

This algorithm works as follows:

  1. Start with the first and last points of the path.
  2. Find the point farthest from the line connecting these two points.
  3. If the distance of this farthest point exceeds a threshold, it is kept, and the line is split at this point.
  4. Repeat recursively for the two new segments until no point exceeds the threshold. Here I used iterative approach instead so stack overflow problems don’t occur for large paths.

Following is the iterative version of the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker (RDP) algorithm. This version avoids recursion and uses a stack to manage the segments to be processed, which makes it more efficient for handling long paths.

GDScript RDP Algorithm Implementation (iterative approach)

# path simplification algorithm
# Simplifies a path by removing unnecessary points while preserving the general direction.
# Iterative version of the RDP algorithm.
# @param path: Array of Vector3 points (path from A* algorithm)
# @param tolerance: Minimum distance a point must have from the line to be kept
# @return Array of simplified Vector3 points
func simplify_path(path: Array, tolerance: float) -> Array:
	if path.size() < 3:
		return path  # Cannot simplify if less than 3 points
	var result = []  # Final simplified path
	var stack = []  # Stack for segments to process
	stack.append(Vector2(0, path.size() - 1))  # Start with the entire path
	var markers = PackedInt32Array()  # Marks points to keep (1 = keep, 0 = discard)
	# Mark the first and last points as kept
	markers[0] = 1
	markers[path.size() - 1] = 1
	while stack.size() > 0:
		var indices = stack.pop_back()  # Get the current segment (start, end)
		var start_index = indices.x
		var end_index = indices.y
		var max_distance = 0
		var farthest_index = -1
		# Find the point farthest from the line segment
		for i in range(start_index + 1, end_index):
			var distance = point_line_distance(path[i], path[start_index], path[end_index])
			if distance > max_distance:
				max_distance = distance
				farthest_index = i
		# If the farthest point exceeds the tolerance, keep it and add new segments
		if max_distance > tolerance:
			markers[farthest_index] = 1
			stack.append(Vector2(start_index, farthest_index))  # Left segment
			stack.append(Vector2(farthest_index, end_index))  # Right segment
	# Collect the points marked as kept
	for i in range(path.size()):
		if markers[i] == 1:
	return result

# Calculates the perpendicular distance of a point from a line segment
# @param point: The point to measure distance from
# @param line_start: Start of the line segment
# @param line_end: End of the line segment
# @return The perpendicular distance
func point_line_distance(point: Vector3, line_start: Vector3, line_end: Vector3) -> float:
	var line = line_end - line_start
	var length_squared = line.length_squared()
	if length_squared == 0:
		return (point - line_start).length()  # Line is a single point
	# Projection of 'point' onto the line
	var t = ((point - line_start).dot(line)) / length_squared
	t = clamp(t, 0.0, 1.0)  # Clamp to line segment bounds
	var projection = line_start + t * line
	return (point - projection).length()


var path = [] # list of Vector3 points

var tolerance = 0.5  # how much simplification is needed
var simplified_path = simplify_path(path, tolerance)

# Move NPC along simplified path

Thank you for reading <3

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