The Fresnel effect increases the intensity of light (or reflectivity) at extreme angles (when the view direction is almost parallel to the surface) and decreases it when viewed head-on (perpendicular to the surface). In simpler terms, surfaces at grazing angles (the edges or rims) appear brighter or more reflective than surfaces viewed straight-on.
This property is useful in shaders as it can be used for variety of effects such as glow on borders, or smoothing the borders and so on. I used this effect in my engine flame shader for Godot:

Fresnel Function Code
We just take dot
product of view
vector & normal
vector. And then we clamp
its results between 0.0
& 1.0
float fresnel(float amount, vec3 normal, vec3 view){
return pow(
1.0 - clamp(dot(normalize(normal), normalize(view)), 0.0, 1.0),
// Godot shader usage.
// Surface NORMAL & Camera VIEW direction are calculated by the engine.
void fragment(){
float fresnel_effect = fresnel(3.0, NORMAL, VIEW);
ALBEDO += fresnel_effect; // Assign to surface COLOR/ALBEDO
Thank you for reading <3