Category: godot tutorials
How to make Mini-map or Radar for 3D Game
Mini maps are often very important to visualize the world from above. In some…
Making Building Placement System in RTS Game
In most RTS games, we can place buildings. But different games have different approaches.…
Making a Villager RTS Unit that Collects Resources
Villager is similar to how warrior unit was made. It extends the base unit…
Making Resource Management in RTS Game
In RTS games, there are special kinds of units called villagers, that collect resources…
Making Buildings in RTS Game
In RTS games, buildings play a vital role. Town center in Age of Empires,…
How to Make Marching Formation for RTS Units
In previous tutorial, we created a warrior unit (a soldier). But if we select…
How to Make RTS Military Unit
So far, we made only a generic unit (base Unit). Although the scene (in…
Making a Health Bar and Health System in Godot
We have already created a unit in previous state management tutorial. It has two…
Making State Machine for Units in RTS Game
The generic unit is sufficient for basic movement and very basic states. For complex…
Making a Selection Box in Godot
In basic RTS unit tutorial, we created a unit that is un-selectable, and it…