*Cover image is of Lion King SEGA game, an old but my favorite game.
This page is under construction.*
How to learn making video games?
This page features the best gamedev courses, tutorials & resources for learning to make video games. Links to other collections are given at the end, however my focus is to filter out stuff so only the best remains here; that you can actually use to develop a game.
Video games in nutshell:
Imagine this: You have an image of a character. Using code, you can make this character image move around on your screen. Now, add enemies to the scene. These enemies can also move. If your character touches an enemy, their “health” goes down. If their health reaches zero, they lose. It’s like controlling a tiny puppet (image) with your keyboard or mouse.
Think of 3D games as being a 3D canvas with 3D geometrical shapes (can be a human-like shape or a car shape, depends on the purpose). You use code to control their movements and interactions. The rules of the game, like who wins or loses, are also determined by code.
This is a very simple explanation. To truly understand how to make games, you’ll need to learn more about programming, game design, and other related topics. The resources below can help you get started.
Gamedev Courses
Things are categorized into basic, intermediate, and advanced.