Make Grappling Hook in Godot

Table of Contents


  1. Make a Line2D. One end of line is head and other end is tail.
  2. When user presses a position, the head lerps towards it until it reaches that position.
  3. After that, tail lerps towards head until it has reached the head.
  4. While it is happening, set the position of player to tail’s position each frame.
  5. Will write a detaield tutorial on it after sometime. For now, take the raw code.


# Author: Mujtaba
# GitHub:

extends CharacterBody2D

const SPEED = 100.0
const JUMP_VELOCITY = -300.0

# Get the gravity from the project settings to be synced with RigidBody nodes.
var gravity = ProjectSettings.get_setting("physics/2d/default_gravity")

var rope : Line2D
var rope_head : Node2D

var is_triggered : bool = false
var is_grippling : bool = false

var source : Vector2
var destination : Vector2

func trigger_grippling() -> void:
	is_triggered = true

func _ready():
	rope = $Rope
	rope_head = $Rope/Head

func _process(delta):
	if is_triggered:
		is_triggered = false
		is_grippling = true
		destination = get_global_mouse_position() * global_transform
		source = self.position
		# If attempted to gripple below horizontal, do nothing
		if < 0:
			is_triggered = false
			is_grippling = false
			rope.points[0] = Vector2.ZERO
			rope.points[1] = Vector2.ZERO
			rope.position = Vector2.ZERO
	if is_grippling:
		if not rope.points[1].distance_to(destination) < 1:
			rope.points[1] = lerp(rope.points[1], destination, 0.3)
			rope.points[0] = lerp(rope.points[0], destination, 0.2)
			self.position = rope.points[0] + source
		if rope.points[0].distance_to(destination) < 1:
			is_grippling = false
			rope.points[0] = Vector2.ZERO
			rope.points[1] = Vector2.ZERO
			rope.position = self.position
	rope.position = -rope.points[0]
	rope_head.position = rope.points[1]

func _physics_process(delta):
	# Add the gravity.
	if not is_on_floor():
		velocity.y += gravity * delta

	# Handle Jump.
	if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_accept") and is_on_floor():
		velocity.y = JUMP_VELOCITY
	if Input.is_action_just_pressed("shift_key"):

	# Get the input direction and handle the movement/deceleration.
	# As good practice, you should replace UI actions with custom gameplay actions.
	var direction = Input.get_axis("ui_left", "ui_right")
	if direction:
		velocity.x = direction * SPEED
		velocity.x = move_toward(velocity.x, 0, SPEED)


Link to github repo.

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